Over the weekend, I had the chance to accompany a few friends to Malmö, Sweden. Since the train from Copenhagen only takes about half an hour, going to this foreign country was on my must-do list much before setting foot in Denmark. When the opportunity presented itself late Saturday to spend the next day in another city, of course I took advantage of it. Though the day was a bit long and exhausting with walking around the city for hours (and I did not get any Swedish meatballs or fish), I am very glad I went to Sweden with some friends and had a fun time being a tourist. As you can see from the pictures I took, all of which are unedited, there are some gorgeous landscapes in Malmö.
Around 9:30 am on Sunday morning, our group met at the Norreport metro station to walk towards Central Station. About an hour later, we had our tickets and were seated on the train to Malmö. |
Train from Copenhagen to Malmö! |
First view setting foot in Sweden from Malmö Central Station |
Once we arrived, we walked around the city, checking out statues such as this one. Being a rainy Sunday, very few people were out and about. |
After stopping at a Comfort Inn for a map, we first made our way to Espresso House for refreshments. I had some water with my apple kola muffin. Yum! Here, we first encountered the Swedish krona, which, conveniently, has a nicer exchange rate than the Danish krone. |
Checking out a new city! |
The Turning Torso, the tallest building in Scandinavia. |
Interesting deer statues observed at a local park.
Inside this castle, we explored the Malmö Museer. Admittedly, I'm not a big museum person, so going here didn't really appeal to me at first-- however, I ended up enjoying it, and at a price of 20 SEK (including the half-price student discount)--only $2.96!-- the castle and exhibits were definitely worth seeing. |
We're in Sweden! |
In my experience, Sweden has some beautiful scenery, vivid colors, and peaceful atmospheres. |
Swedish fish stink, I guess. ;)
Saw this lighthouse and couldn't help thinking about the Great Lakes State. <3 |
Inside the exquisite Sankt Petri kyrka, or Saint Peter's Church, in Malmö. Very ornate and impressive detailing. |
Gelato as a pre-dinner snack. I had a small cone with stracciatella and strawberry flavors. So delicious!
We finished off a great day in Sweden at Casa Mia, an Italian restaurant. Per recommendation of the server, I had the lasagna, which was absolutely amazing. He was a really nice man, greeting us girls by first name and giving us all free water (ice water would have cost 10 SEK each). All in all, a great way to end a nice day in a new country. |