Saturday, July 5--the second day of our tour--brought us to the northern part of Denmark. After eating continental breakfast at Hotel Cabinn and walking around Aarhus one last time, we loaded back on the buses to begin another travel day.
The first stop we made (Saturday, July 5) was in Skagen, the northernmost town in Denmark and home to a population of about 8,000. Here, we simply walked down the streets, taking in the environment. As there was a festival going on, many people were milling around.
To my delight, I finally ate my first Danish hot dog as my lunch in Skagen. From one of the street vendors, I purchased the "Fransk" variation, signified by the hot dog being stuffed into a bun (first squirted with ketchup, of course). No doubt, I had built up my anticipation for this hot dog for many days at that point, so actually tasting it wasn't as exciting as expected. However, a hot dog is a hot dog, and the Fransk kind was pretty good. I'll definitely be eating more in the days to come.
Pretty much life in Denmark in one picture: walking the cobblestone streets, exploring the town, observing the architecture and atmosphere, and eating a hot dog! Finally got one! |
Walking past the ships at the harbor in Skagen. |
After walking around the town a bit more, we boarded the bus again en route to the true northern tip of Denmark: Grenen. At this point, the North Sea meets the Baltic Sea. One of my absolute favorite parts of this tour (if not the best destination of the weekend) was being where the two seas converge. I loved being at the beach, taking quite a few pictures, and basking in the scenery.
Some rocky stretches of beach. |
The North Sea meets the Baltic Sea! |
After having a few pictures taken in the water at the tip, I tried to hurry out of the way by running back towards the shore. Little did I know, there's a drop off. They aren't kidding when they call it the real northern tip of Denmark. Basically, it's like I fell into a hole just to the right of where everyone was taking pictures/standing/waiting. Right leg first, I got a bit more wet than expected or planned, as you can see, but hey, it's a memory. |
Then I saw the danger sign.. okay. |
Happy girl hanging out at the beach. |
Beautiful landscape of the Baltic side. |
World War II bunker at the beach. |
Edited image at the northern tip of Denmark with Ronnie and Elyse and my hair getting in the way, naturally.. |
..and a second group shot with the girls, Kaitlyn and Lauren (and fellow ISUP students in the background). |
title:"Central with Two Seas" ;) |
Our tour took us to Aalborg for the night, Denmark's fourth largest city. As part of the trip, we were fed an authentic Danish meal at Das Bierbar, just a few minutes' walk away from our hotel.
In the free time before dinner, we walked down to the water. Aalborg has a free community swimming/activity area with kayaks, balance beams, this rock wall, and more. It looks like a lot of fun! |
The view from my hotel room. That building right there, with the red letters on the other side of the second-floor glass windows? H&M. SO many of those stores all around this country!
Traditional Danish dinner of meat, potatoes, chips, a pit of purple-y cabbage something (?), and later a sliver of ice cream cake-style dessert. |
We danced a little after dinner but didn't stay out too much later; instead, we capped off the night by hanging out in the Hotel Cabinn lobby, talking while the game played in the background.